sábado, 30 de octubre de 2010

La Canalla!

Is named “Canalla” to the group of people who take part in the “Pom de Dalt”: the last three floors of the human tower.

The “Canalla” is composed by the children of the “Colla”, who goes higher.

Independently of the human tower, the last three floors always have the same composition. From the lowest to the highest:  the “dossos” are two children who take each other, the “acotxador” goes up on them and she/he takes on the “dossos” arms and on the top is the “enxaneta” who trod the “dossos” and goes up the “acotxador”.

When the “enxaneta” raises his/her arm the human tower is charged and this action is named to do the “aleta

I let you with a photo of "Pom de Dalt" where you can see the "Dossos", the "Acotxador" and the "Enxaneta":

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